Finally someone has taken the time to surf the web for all sites related to Chinese medicine, organized them into clear categories, and evaluated their content for future users. This book is more than the yellow pages for Chinese medicine on the web; it is a critical annotated bibliography of nearly all internet resources about the subject. No one has cast their net so widely in the seas of European and Asian websites related to Chinese medicine; nor has anyone reviewed the material so carefully. The introduction alone could stand as an article on the changing definitions of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) over the past decade and how Chinese medicine fits into the CAM framework in the United States and Europe. The author also introduces a valuable method for evaluating internet resources called "CARS" that teachers on all levels may well want their students to memorize: Credibility, Accuracy, Reasonableness, and Support. Now that more and more people rely on the internet for knowledge and information on health care and medical treatments, skills for evaluating the trustworthiness, accuracy, impartiality, and documentation of internet sources are all the more necessary. . . . A Guide to Chinese Medicine on the Internet could not be a more timely intervention to separate the legitimate and trustworthy from the fraudulent and profit seeking websites. Any reader will be pleased to have him at the helm to navigate a course through a veritable storm of random information on Chinese medicine on the web. . . . AN ENORMOUS CONTRIBUTION TO THE FIELD for students, researchers, and professors and as such should be published. -- Marta Hanson, PhD, Assistant Professor in the History of East Asian Medicine; History of Chinese science and medicine; History of epidemics and disease in China, Johns Hopkins University